3269. Snapchat Filters!
My step daughter and her fiance came through today to collect the printer I’m giving them and for us all to go out for lunch. We headed off to our local pub, The Cherry Bank Inn and had a lovely meal with lots of chatting and laughter!
They seem to spend an awful lot of their time on Social Media, Snapchat and TikTok so of course there were photos with silly filters popping up everywhere! This one wasn’t too bad, the Gollum filter she did on my photo was horrendous!
We will hopefully see them on Boxing Day but I gave them their presents just in case we don’t see them before Christmas.
I am struggling to catch up with journals and comments too, at the moment so thank you to everyone who has commented and left stars and hearts on my journal over the past week, I don’t know where my time goes…but it just seems to disappear!
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