The Robin Hatchlings

Two down...two to go.

My little neighbor Keegan came over, and knocked on my back door. "The birds have hatched! The birds have hatched! We saw them from our front window!"

Well, he was half right. Two have seen their first light. The other two are still in their baby blues.

Hard to believe something just hours old could raise their heads like that. Is it possible that they could actually eat something solid, or does Momma Robin need to regurgitate for a few days? (Note to self...Must do some research.)

Wonderful to see new life. Nature in action. I wanted to set up shop with a tripod, or zero in for some close-ups, but I didn't want to upset Mom too much. I just took a few shots, and exited stage left.

I put a couple other shots on my FLICKR PAGE. I will get to shoot Robins...Day Two on the morrow, but then we are off to Georgia.

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