
A strange intensely new ginger, cat came right into the bungalow to steal Midnight's food. Midnight got ready to send him packing, but then he saw the size of this ginger cat I looked at Midnight. Midnight looked at me and we both decided discretion was the better part of valour....

Who gives these unknown cats, precise instructions on ...go through the catflap, turn left, open the kitchen door with your claws, go in the hallway, open the next door by shouldering it, then once you are in the front room, you turn right, mind a huge pile of full plastic bags the owner is sorting through which are on your left, and then on your right there are some Amazon boxes (Don't worry, these are full of catfood which the owner has not got round to opening yet),, make your way round those and you come to a curtain, lift the curtain, and you are into a small hallway, straight ahead is another curtain lift that curtain, and then Hey Presto, all the catfood, wet and dry, you can eat...

This intensely coloured ginger cat has never been in the bungalow before....

Then once he left the bungalow, both Midnight and I gingerly got out of bed and crept towards the curtain. You first, said Midnight. Oh no no no I said you first, but Midnight went back on the bed so I had to go through the curtains all alone...

Every scrap of catfood in the kitchen had been eaten by this enormous giant of a marmalade cat...

Creative... Trying to do a fine ink drawing this morning, but the pen nib still has too much black ink on it. So the lines are thicker than I wanted, and Midnight was not cooperative as a sketchbook stand. He wanted to grab my hand as I was drawing, and I'm drawing with a cat holding my right hand with two paws.... he holds my hand with two paws, pretty much all of the night when I'm sleeping in bed.

Hence, I had to sign this with Midnight's name as well....

Wildlife nighttime camera.
The Badger who wants to be a cat. This is Pa Badger. He covets the cat's seat gets on swing & has a good old belly scratch. He groomed himself for over 15 minutes on that spot.
Boy Badger is in the clip as well, on the ground...

I have stuff to do and I am late....

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