'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri


Our rose bush.

My mom sold her house & moved to a smaller place. For the last 2 months we've been stressing to sort out our stuff which is still there. We now have a final list, valued for insurance. We decided to go with the most expensive quote because they saw all the stuff that is to go. Since Friday I'm trying to pay them. Doesn't work. Today I spent more than an hour on the phone with the bank. Still no result. It seems that the removals co's system is not compatible with the bank's. They do not want to take payment over the phone, so it seems that I cannot pay them. They all went home when I wanted to dicuss the matter this afternoon & I sent an e-mail. If there is not an e-mail with a solution when I get to the office tomorrow, we're going with someone else. Someone in the UK who can be paid with a UK credit card without a problem.

C is sick. He went home at lunch time wiht a sore chest. He got up when I got home & cooked dinner (I offered to cook, but I think he thought my food might make him worse).

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