When unfettered stress and frustration morph into impotent rage.

An unsettled day spent waiting to hear from my vet, who is talking to the state vet on my behalf - and then this afternoon, another fruitless 2+ hours of my life that I'll never get back, spent at the Tarim office (Government Agricultural office) as, together with Roy and Lyn we tried, for the third time, in as many working days, to coax the state vet in to giving me the health certificate papers I need to send Harry and Rufus to the UK. It seems they've changed the rules (again) about what paperwork they want. Back tomorrow which is the last chance as that is when Helen (Pet transport company) is arriving to collect them, and another dog. 

On  a happier note, after nearly 5 days without, this evening I now have hot water and a rather smart new boiler.  My day closed with quite a long time spent standing in the shower.

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