Just a quick blip from the garden today as my back suddenly went this morning and is now very painful when I walk around. It's the lumbar region that is bad and I've rung the osteopath and left a message and hope she can give me some advice - or another appointment this week...I had this problem last summer before it cleared up with physio. Then a couple of months later the leg problem started...
The carpet cleaning man has been this morning and the carpets are looking much better, although still very damp. We've inadvertently trodden some mud into them - oops! So shoes at door and slippers straight on (which we're normally not very strict about!) It's so sunny and humid today - just gorgeous in the garden where I sat this morning. Apparently there was heavy rain and thunder at 5am - son Paul heard it and it made him so wide awake that he just got up! We heard not a thing and slept through till 7 am!
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