I knew it was you...

By MrsHouston


Maya coloured this in today in after school care. Some kind of religious picture? Maya doesn't know what it means...she just thinks it's pretty:)

Had a pretty emotional day. A bad day at work...an hour on the phone trying to get myself added as a nominee on my mum's aged care pension account so I can make queries on her behalf. Then had an awful argument with someone at work who I consider my friend. She said some things to me that made me feel so bad...I wanted to resign straight away, and I love my job.

Then tonight I went to have a drink with my friend Tom. Today, the person who raped and murdered his wife was sentenced to life in prison. He invited his nearest and dearest out to have a glass with him, and so he could thank everyone for their support and friendship through this whole ordeal.

I work with Tom, he is such a good, kind decent person, so even though I had such a bad day and all I wanted to do was go home, I had to go out tonight to give him a hug and to raise my glass to him. Jill's mum and dad and brother also came...I took one look at her mum, and I started crying. I am such a crier, it's so embarrassing. They're such lovely people.

Anyway. Here's to Tom. I hope he found some closure today. And I hope he's still having a good night.

Happy Wednesday to all of you x

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