The Christmas Tree Festival in St Laurence church

The Tree Festival has become a regular event in the church at the centre of Stroud. Local organisations, businesses and charity groups all provide their trees and during the day small events are held as people visit. While I was there a middle aged couple were playing acoustic instruments and singing folk songs.

I left my stall in the Shambles Church Hall just a few yards from St Laurence church and quickly rushed around the church having firstly said hello to Camilla, my friend and colleague, who chairs the Preservation Trust. She has now become involved in the plans top restore and renovate the church which like many others needs a lot of care and attention these days.

Camilla is sitting at the far end of this aisle just in front of the window.  This is just one small part of the church. I was standing in front of a wonderful tree made from green glass bottles. I've added a picture of it as an 'Extra'.

A series of Back Blips – 7

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