Under a tree

What a day.

Did the shopping (forgot the dog food).

Shoveled snow 3 times.

Walked with the dog.

Little bit of sewing.

One session with the high school boy. (on-line)

Saw Mr. Bricklayer who is currently working with our very strange neighbors.

Husband came home and brought the forgotten dog food.

I think I have some kind of bug. I don't feel sick, but I'm not okay. I'm coughing and sneezing. Have some stomach issues (nausea) and I'm really really tired. Also have difficulty drinking coffee and it tastes weird, so I suspect I might have Covid once again (very easy version). I naturally realized this after all my shopping. There is also a version of influenza which causes terrible muscle pain which sounds very familiar. My other neighbor told me that his brother had it. Just the muscle pain (he could not sleep for it) and nausea. Also my symptoms lately.

Anyway. Whatever it is, I have to take it easy for a few days.

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