*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

Christmas 'Murder'

Made the crows but still awaiting the little frames, that I ordered quite a while ago, to put them in. Hope it's not something else I have to chase, worn down by having to chase every single thing.

Speaking of which...

Rang the solicitor again today. She was in a meeting (obviously) and didn't get back to me (obviously). I am so stressed by this now and honestly don't know what to do. Whatever the outcome they will have lost a lot of future business from my family.

I also ordered mum's tablets this afternoon and noticed that the covid and flu vaccines she went for 3 weeks ago at a local pharmacy weren't showing on her NHS account... so it looks at the moment like she's not had either. So I've had to chase the pharmacy about that. Seriously, if my mum was having to deal with these things herself how would she manage?  She won't remember what she's already had and could easily go and have them again if her practice contacted her.

The world is very skew-whiff (is that a Yorkshire expression??) at the moment. 

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