View from work (Day 3139)

Today didn't really go to plan. First job of the day was in Orphir and was supposed to be changing the expansion tank on a heating system. The heating was running, and very hot when I arrived. I checked the expansion tank and it definitely wasn't the cause of the loss of pressure in the system, the leak I found from a valve was a much more likely cause. With hardly any room to work I struggled the valve union apart and got a new washer in it which cured the leak. 
Movement in a cobwebby corner caught my eye and I realised that there was a leak on the incoming water main. Typically the water main is in a really tight corner to access and is hemmed in by the boiler and a load of shelving. When I cleared enough space to wriggle in to the leak, it looked like it would be a pain to fix. I re-made the leaking joint four times without eliminating the leak. The plastic to copper transition fitting was definitely the cause of the problem and needed to be replaced. I let the customer know I would be back with parts later and headed to town. 
Parts collected, I zoomed home to get Sigyn out for a (thankfully dry) wander, because  my beautiful wife had a tight schedule today. 
I zoomed off to Orphir again and spent a while breaking out a hole in the wall to make accessing the leaking fitting easier, then chopping off the old fitting and replacing it. It took ages. 
The view from the stop cock outside the property nearly made up for the struggles today. Other customers will have to wait til another day.

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