Do No Harm

On This Day In History
1945: General MacArthur orders the end of Shinto as a Japanese state religion

Quote Of The Day
"Some kami, such as deified ancestors, heroes or the personified powers of nature, roughly correspond to the term "deity" or "god." Yet the vital force within anything is also a kami. It is not surprising, then, that the kimono, for instance, is made from uncut squares of fabric, or that paper-folding - origami - is such a highly developed popular art. Cutting fabric or paper destroys its divine spirit and is consequently avoided."
(Kageyama Haruki, The Art Of Shinto.)

A wonderfully enjoyable last day of term; the Christmas class party. We had splendid fun painting pine cones, gluing them onto sticks and covering them with glitter. We bought lots of delicious goodies at the parents' Bake Sale, and had fun with the Christmas Kahoot! quiz.

Unfortunately, all the fun was tinged with profound sadness that left me quite emotionally shaken; a mixture of anger and overwhelming sympathy. 

How can people be so selfish and cruel?

This envelope, which contained a Christmas gift from the Year Four parents, has no cuts, only folds. The kami of the paper is unharmed.

Origami Master

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