Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

So... I had a bit of an interesting morning....
I woke up and decided to look at the time on my iPhone. That's what I use to wake me up in the mornings. I couldn't start it... after a couple of attempts I saw that the battery was on 4%!
So I got out of bed, saw a bus standing outside and started my computer to see... that I'd overslept for 20 minutes. Since I like to have some time in the morning, it wasn't a panic. Just a bit... because I needed to charge the phone, fix a cup of tea and get dressed. Then I watch the news on tv and get ready. I usually have my iPhone with me while getting ready, so I know what time it is and when to put on the work pants and get to the hallway to put on shoes and such. This morning I had to 'wing it' while the phone was charging. I also managed to squeeze in time to look for a new battery for my phone online and see that the same company I'm ordering the spare part for my computer has an affordable price for changing into a new battery, and I also ran around trying to find the thingy used to connect the charger cord to an electrical socket (I only use the USB connection daily), just incase I had to keep charging at work.

And, to top it all off, I thought it was Monday... I knew in my head it's Friday, but I had the feeling it was Monday. Totally confused I got to work in time and could relax. 
I didn't have to charge my phone at work and it was ok-ish when I got home. I guess there's not a change -battery-panic, but I need to keep a close eye on the battery and how it's behaving. Computer first, phone later.

This is the second chore I had today: to make tags and stamp them with my homemade stamp. Then I coloured the fir cones with brown aquarelle paint and splattered the tags in white, green and a droplets of red. Not sure how many I made, but there're a bunch stamped and coloured and a bunch plain ones too. 
So nice to have two whole days, and extra nice that next week is an ordinary 4 day week in the Greenhouse.
And, even more extra nice that there're a bunch of new episodes of Father Brown to binge watch in-between chores during the weekend. :)

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