
By MrsK277

A version of perfection.

I was awake for the glorious sunrise this morning. Slept OK, but just wide awake by 7am. A lot to get done.
Still not completely over yesterday's little hiccup, but managed to get going. Picked up the shopping and dropped off another mosaic bauble order. Did another couple of bits of Christmas shopping before walking to counselling. We talked about yesterday's extreme reaction, and just like that, a light bulb moment of another buried memory...dressed in our new trouser suits to visit Auntie D, mum and dad were finishing getting ready and sent us outside to play at the front with warnings not to get dirty. I fell over and ended up with a hole in my new trousers and a very grazed knee. I was really told off for being so clumsy and the trip was cancelled. An extreme reaction. This happened so many times in my childhood,  I've ended up believing all the cruel untruths, even into my 50's to my detriment. The truth will out and a new version of me is appearing. I am worthy. I am loved. I am good.

Set to making the wreath for the front door, it's not perfect, just like me, but I love it regardless. 

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