Sam the Bam
For the past two days Sam our wee old Patterdale has been under the weather, just hingie, the runs and off colour. Last night he looked really unwell. AS we were still in Glasgow, I phoned our ARgyll vet & made an appointment for him when we got back. When we arrived back, no1 son was home and started playing with the dogs in the garden and who was to the fore but the sickly Sam, seen here clearing a wall! Anyhow took him to the vets and when he saw other dogs he wanted to beat them all up and when I finally got to see the vet Sam was as bright as a button and I had a job explaining how poorly he had been. Anyhow she has given him some meds, she couldn't even ever remember seeing him before as he has the constitution of an ox! Here's hoping he keeps on improving.
Happy blipping all
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