Out Door dog

Outdoor Dog is another of D&V’s rescue animals.  Not quite as soft as Crispy, he is, nevertheless, happy to live on the veranda and submit to the odd ruffle behind the ears.  But not at this particular moment.  Just out of view is THE CAT. It’s small, noisy and thinks it’s a rottweiler. I may blip it one day, if it stays still long enough.  

Outdoor Dog is not happy because THE CAT is (i) inside and (ii) eating something that the dog  would also like to eat; left-over party food.

The party is great success.  It is also, as someone once said, much like life itself; noisy, chaotic and with a tendency to go on a just a bit too long.

This morning the grown-ups tip-toe round sleeping bodies, clearing up the signs which tell you people had a good time.  And that they’re probably going to be a bit sorry when they wake up.

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