Dazed and confused?

An unashamed backblip, compiled from our Thursday visit to Liverpool. The day disappeared in a bit of a haze. Luca and Eben had stayed overnight on Friday, and on Saturday morning they put in a request for a visit to a local soft play place.  Ruth and Josh were busy holding a yard sale, in an effort to declutter.  I think E was keen to avoid yard sale duties.
Anyway, we went off to Wacky Warehouse on the edge of Sheffield. These places make me think crabby thoughts about the warehousing of children and children's play: they're a bit like giant, padded cages, and typically they are in anonymous buildings on the edges of industrial estates.  I don't think the staff get paid much, and the cafe offerings are usually pretty grim too.
Kids, however, are pretty adept at transcending or ignoring all of that, and just getting on with having a good time while the somewhat dazed adults look on (or dive into their phones). So Eben and Luca climbed and rolled and jumped around together happily. Then they devoured pasta (Luca) and chicken nuggets (ugh - Eben).  The fact that we had watched 'Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget' the previous evening together didn't deter Eben from eating the chicken nuggets at all.  I have to say that the staff were wonderfully helpful too: we always need to find safe dairy-free food options for Luca, when eating out, and the soft play cafe staff were 100% attentive about that.
By the time I dropped them both back home, I could feel the symptoms of a head cold really blossoming. I had the luxury option of an afternoon nap, and took advantage of it.

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