Grub's up
Since we're away for a while from next Friday, we're currently eating the house bare. Leading to some very odd meals. Today I remembered that we'd better eat the garden too. So for lunch I ate the little gem lettuce; tonight it's the rocket you see above. With (opens the fridge) spicy sausages, left over potatoes fried up and some butternut squash in drambuie. (The drambuie of course doesn't HAVE to be finished before we go, but it livens up squash no end.)
I am, in theory, on a bit of a diet this week. Not the proper kind where you put photos of the scales on blip and actually get serious about losing weight, more the kind where you limit yourself to one bag of crisps a day and try to treat chocolate as the exception rather than the rule. I have also been using the step machine thingy I bought to lose weight before I got married (before I realised that stress would do the job much better) and in a radical life-changing move, I've given up alcohol*.
Shocking I know. But it's only for a week. Three days down already. Just no-one blip any lovely glasses of red wine eh!
*Alcohol in cooking obviously isn't included... I think the heat drives off all the calories or something...
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