I got up and put on muddy clothes.
I started wheelbarrowing bricks out of the way of the to-be-larger-than-planned patio.
I went to a mid-day choir rehearsal for this evening's carol concert, for which we were woefully under-prepared, as in barely knowing the unusual carols we were performing without the congregation and not even having looked at the harmonies for the carols where we were supposed to lead them. I've been singing tenor for two years now but am still not as confident as I was when I was singing alto. But at one point our excellent leader for today - who happens to be a strong tenor - headed off on the bass line by mistake and I was proud to hold the tenor line against him.
I went home, changed back into the muddy gear and carried on wheelbarrowing bricks. Most were done by the time the light faded.
I changed into concert gear and went back to the church for another rehearsal. This time it was me who headed off on the bass line by mistake. Quite impressed that I got all the notes before I realised.
The carol service was far from perfect but far from the disaster I'd thought it might be.
I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, but more of that when I've got through it.
Black and white in colour 279
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