Sir Picanuper Troll

By SirPicanuper

Tonight, Tony Blair Is The Green Manalishi !

Gleetings from Gravesend ! It is today and time for The News !

So, in the ancient woods of Windmill Hill, a Wormhole does open suddenly and with sloppy noises and a tricky dicky is there, as if from out of nowhere or indeed a tunnel between black holes, which is as good as nowhere.

“Halt !” a voice cries. “Who goes there ? Friend or foe, et cetera !”
“It’s me !” shouts the tricky dicky.
“Bah !” says the first voice. “I’m me, who are you !”
“Oh, well, I’m...The Green Manalishi ! I have come to claim my crown !”

**Thinks, thinks the first: it’s a puzzle. Ha ! I know !**

“Tell me, O Green many prongs upon this crown, hmmm ?”
“Er, er…” says the tricky dicky, who doesn’t know what a prong is. “Er – six ! On each side ! And some more on the top, about twenty !”

A shaft of heavenly light then shines down upon the pair.

“Oh, I know you !” says the first voice “You’re not the Green Manalishi at all, ha ha ha ! That was very funny ! You’re Tony Blair !”
“Ach !” spits Tony. “So I am...OMG. OMG….”
“And you’ve got green stuff in your hair…”
“Yes. I’ve been eating kryptonite, you see. There’s nothing else to do, in a black hole.”
“Well, now you’re here, you can atone for your general badness, I expect. Come !”

Tony is frit.

“Oh, you are a silly billy !” laughs the first voice, who of course is a wereTroll. “I’ve come over all woke like what everyone has, yes indeed ! I no longer rend flesh from bone: I eat only nuts and berries and soy curds and pulses and some grasses. I thrive upon it, as will you ! Let me tell you about my recipe for lentil porage….”

Blah blah blah

Walk Tall !

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