The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

SWMBO and I were good this morning - we went to Strathbrock and helped put together 'soup kits'. We kind of took over and set up a production line rather then people getting in each others way trying to get ingredients.

There was an inordinate number of bad drivers out there today ..... Lane discipline - never heard of it ... Red lights - they don't apply to me ... Give way - never heard of it ......... to name but three.

Ugly wood... Well, it started off looking ugly...very ugly!
The bottom is Laburnum and the top is Oak burr. I left the top as it is because I liked the way it looked like a water splash.
The one in the extras may still be ugly ...... I am not yet convinced I have got it out of that category.

Another bit of ugliness was the Gonk I made from rotten pine a while ago.
Today I gave him a shield (ugly and battle scarred) and a spear so he can at least blame the battle for his ugliness. His helmet has also been painted (which is still drying and why he hasn't been photographed.
The ugly drinking vessel is still wet too.

You have been warned though - there will be pictures at some point.

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