
By Suzeee

The beast has burst

So a beautiful hot day right up until late this evening in fact sat out and had supper after 9 and it was still warm. Problem the hayfever has been crazy especially tonight, country living has its pit falls :(
Casual day at work and treated with home made scones, jam and clotted cream, what was I to do say no? Well I didn't....... even though I was moaning last night about my waistline.
Was on an errand of painkillers for Steve when I saw Andy.P walking. Stopped for a chat and ended up popping in for a cuppa he says he is feeling really good that's a plus :)
Next stop pain killers for toothache. Do hope tomorrow is better for you ;) x
Late in but still time for my walk seems to be a priority at the minute.
Dog went bonkers and got into a field with cows and their young bad move...... electric fence was on....don't think the dog will be going in there anytime soon!!!
Look at the time where did that day go just not enough hours... :D

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