A Christmas Scene

How about a wide piece of haddock gift-wrapped?
After yet another one of those days this is all that I can manage, and if all else fails, what does a seasoned Blipper do.  Yes, it is my dinner.
The morning went ok, but I tried to copy some files onto a DVD for my daughter and lost near enough the whole afternoon compliments of Microsoft who have disabled copying to disk in one of their latest (?) updates on W10.  To make matters worse I discovered that my latest photographic archive disc from August can only be read on this PC as Windows Explorer did not finalise the disc, which is basically what Microsoft have engineered.  They did similar things with W7 when they pushing us onto W10.  My only hope is to find some third party software which gives a simple file copy function, or roll back W10 to early this year and turn off windows updates.  I wonder if a ‘class-action’ could be taken against Microsoft?
Anyway, the blip is my dinner, and the extra is Biskit about fifteen seconds after I had managed to wake him up enough to put his harness on to take him home – back on his chair and asleep again!  If it’s dark it’s sleep time . . . !!  I did finally persuaded him to get in the car (where he went back to sleep) and home.
Anyway again, it’s near midnight and time to thank BobsBlips for hosting WidWed before turning in.

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