Gone cold again

The weather that has been just miserable has now changed. Its gone cold as well as miserable.
So far this winter we have only used the log burners to warm the house. The central heating is oil fired so, by not using it, we have been helping to save the planet but to be totally honest the main driver was to save the bank balance.

When it was originally fitted the boiler sent all the stream over the bedroom and bathroom windows. We have attached some drain pipe to the outlet so now, as can be seen, the steam puffs out just below the roof line. This is a very satisfactory solution to everyone except the man who services the boiler who tells us every year it is wrong and disconnects it. He always passes me the clip with a smile, signs off the boiler as good and leaves. I file the paper just after I use the clip to reconnect the pipe for another year. 
So everyone is happy

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