
By Skysea7

Shortest Day

This looks like an end of day sky but it was only 1pm. The wind had been raging all night and I had hoped to see some choppy sea, but it was in the wrong direction and the sea was flattened. The temperature was supposed to be 12C but the weather app I looked at said it ‘feels like’ 9C and it did! It’s the first time this winter that I needed hat, scarf and gloves and I was still cold!

Cars were blocking the main road at the Asda roundabout, queuing to get in. At Tesco it was really difficult to get a parking space! But inside it was OK because for once every checkout was open, so the queue to pay took less time than it took to find a parking space. The only problems happened when shopping couples blocked the aisles with their trolleys while they decided what to buy, oblivious of all the customers trying to get past them.

Tesco will be closed for only two days, and Asda just Xmas day. So why are people apparently stocking up for a siege?

It’s been really grey and mostly sunless for days. At least it will start to get lighter from now on.

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