Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Christmess time …

Every year we put the trappings of Christmas- the crackers, booze, mince pies, chocolates etc - on the sideboard and start eating and drinking the few days leading up the big day.

This year it’s a big heap and rather messily thrown together. But a fun mess. Part vegan part not as reflects our household. 

Today I erred in the matter of clothes cleaning and did cause a shrinkage, but atoned for my sins. Shopped, dropped, and did many other things. I fell asleep and dreamt that my wife rowed a raft covered in boxes of chocolate across a still, silent river. The wind blew. Dogs howled, bats screeched, and cats took notes in diaries made from rats tails. Okay I made that up but it was windy. The cats really didn’t like it.

We had a load of shopping delivered. They forgot the eggs. 

Tomorrow is the winter solstice in northern Europe. After tomorrow the light will creep slowly across the continent with greater confidence and we will emerge into spring, reborn. Although I will keep my vest on until the summer just in case it is still a bit chilly.

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