View From My Desk

I was in the office again and I am mentally and physically exhausted.  It’s been another unbelievably busy day, but we are hoping that it has peaked today, as we cannot go on much longer like this.
The culmination of weeks and months of work all came together today, and for us the outcome was pretty positive. 
I also had to pit in a series of short back to back meetings this afternoon.  We’re all hopeful that the pressure will reduce now – we all have the end of the week  and the Christmas break in sight. 
BB had rugby fitness training tonight.  I wrote some Christmas cards – which will be lucky to arrive by Christmas, but it’s the thought that counts. 
I went for a walk around the block this evening, before collapsing into my bed.  TT is now on holiday – I am very envious.
In amongst the stress of the day, I was delighted to see some blue sky from my corner of the office.

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