Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Up On The Roof

Thanks to everyone for your supportive comments on my unofficial milestone 900th blip yesterday.

Being closer to the sun wouldn't be at the top of my list during the height of the heat of the day. At least these guys were wearing hats. I didn't spy any water up there, though.


So far, this is the second hottest June since records have been kept. There's talk that we might possibly run out the month in the triple digits, from start to finish.

The dew point is only ten degrees and we need it to be fifty-four for conditions to be right for the monsoon thunderstorms to arrive to help cool us off. July can't arrive too soon!!

EDIT: Figured out the next day what they were doing up there. Installing solar panels. They're pretty effective here, with all the sun we get! Perfect roof for it, too. It faces exactly due south. Excellent for max exposure.

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