High Performance

No the best shot in the world, but one day maybe one of the best runners in the world. I have been out in the wet and cold all day today. The weather has been bitter and when I rang Millie to see if she wanted to do her session of fast work today she still wanted to do it. So here is Millie starting a stride out on the grass and at the same time it started to hail and rain and was it cold, NO it was damn freezing so here were coach and athlete in the cold and wet going through some important trainnig work.

I praised Millie for her commitment to her training and her choosen sport.

Millies Quote of the day: There is no such thing as bad weather only soft people. This is the self belief in herself that has got her to the level of representing New Zealand in less than 12 months. My tablet is certainly limited to its photography performance.

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