
The shortest day at last.  So cheering to feel the light is now coming back. I spent a lot of the day sorting out photos for my calendar.  It’ usually would have gone in the post about a week ago but I’m not doing well this year.  I had to do lots of resizing but eventually  got it done and uploaded  to Photobox and the calendar sorted.  Then things went pear shaped.  They needed my password before I could pay. I gave it them but it wasn’t right . It’s the only password I’ve ever used for them and resulted in an endless chat with a computer generated “person. “   Eventually I was told  a real human would be in touch shortly.  Processed today’s blip, came downstairs, had some sherry and nibbles and continued reading John Masefield’s “The box of delights, “ my Christmas read for this year.  It’s a very  long shortly is all I can say.

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