Again - No Interesting Pictures

We were at The Larder at 8am this morning for the Christmas deliveries (before they close for the holiday period).
It was heaving!
There were a couple of other food related businesses charities who like the idea of working with The Larder and were taking the opportunity to see how things were done. They were getting involved in the actual deliveries to get an idea of the logistical problems.
When we had done our deliveries and were back having hot drinks and rolls it was quite funny hearing how much 'fun' they had trying to find some addresses (West Lothian house numbering is done by throwing the numbers in a bag, shaking it, pulling out a number and sticking it on a house) and then trying to get people to actually answer the door. Which reminds me ... I need to contact the head of the Council (who we know) and bring up the subject of the place I went to where the block of houses has a call entry system with no 'service' call button and where they occupiers are unable to unlock the front door from their houses  (and frequently unable to converse with the person trying to get in). What happens if the emergency services need in?

This evening I got a call to go to Asda to pick up things like crisps and nuts which will last until The Larder reopens on 9th January.
I got there and was given, crisps, juice ... bread products and a couple of dozen cabbages!!!!!

I finished off the wading bird (I liked the lump of wood having a wave/ripple-like texture) and a couple of wee pots (here)

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