Twf newydd a hen

Twf newydd a hen ~ New growth and old

“Always continue walking a lot and loving nature, that’s the real way to learn to understand art better and better.”
― Vincent Van Gogh, (to brother Theo, 1874)

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Mae egin gwyrdd newydd yn ymddangos trwy'r dail wedi'i thaflu o'r hen flwyddyn. Yna maen nhw'n ymddangos i aros, misoedd, tan mae'n amser i dyfu mwy. Rydw i'n meddwl maen nhw'n defnyddio'r amser hwn i gasglu tipyn bach o olau'r gaeaf, heb amlygu'r tyfiant tyner i'r rhew.

Heddiw oedd yn bennaf lapio anrhegion. Wel mae’n noswyl noswyl noswyl Nadolig nawr.

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New green shoots appear through the discarded leaves of the old year. Then they appear to wait, months, until it's time to grow more. I think they use this time to collect a little bit of winter light, without exposing the tender growth to the frost.

Today was mainly gift wrapping. Well it's Christmas Eve eve eve.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Egin newydd yn tyfu trwy hen deilen
Description (English): New shoots growing through an old leaf.

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