Huddersfield once had more millionaires than anywhere else in the world. I have no idea how that was measured, or even if it is true (may the Gods of accountancy smite me down) - but it's a good story.
My dog walking route takes me though millionaire country - although very few of the mansions remain as single residences these days. This is one of my favourites - and by the looks of the car there's still some money about. I would have got a better shot had the only car parked on the street within a half mile radius not been EXACTLY where I wanted to stand!
I have been to watch my daughter get a prize at school - the letter said the event would last from 10.25am to 12.25am, but fortunately I didn't actually have to sit there clapping politely for 14 hours. Very proud of my girl.
Fast day today so I had Colgate for breakfast. Just getting thrilled about my lunch of Weightwatchers bread with "I can't believe it's not possible to make it bloody well taste better"on top. Dinner will be skinny soup and some rabbit food then at 9pm I can settle down to watch last night's Mad Men with a packet of square crisps. Joy.
I can't let the death of James Gandolfini go by without posting this. If you are a Sopranos fan, you'll understand, if you are not then just enjoy the song, and know how bloody hard it is to play on the piano!!
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