A Red Line (Or Two), Aylesford

We've had a thing or two with red lines this week. On Wednesday morning my brother tested positive for Covid (his second time) so I, of course, also took a test. It was negative even though I had some of the symptoms, so to be on the safe side I took sick leave as my brother was a close contact and I was worried I was going to test positive sooner or later. Come the following morning I did another test, again it was negative so I had to head into work despite feeling worse. At lunchtime I felt awful but managed to get through the day and get home. The following morning was another test and yet another negative - no sign of even the faintest of second red lines so it was off to work again. On both days I warned colleagues to keep their distance just in case.
This morning my brother tested negative and I, surprise, surprise, now tested positive (my third time)! Bugger and double bugger! It also means our annual Christmas Eve meal down at the lovely restaurant in our village is now off. Luckily, we've already got all the food and drink in and (most) of the presents so it could have been a whole lot worse. The strange thing is I feel slightly better then when I was testing negative - go figure.
Still, I'm going to enjoy my Christmas, eat good food, have plenty to drink and relax. A negative test will come soon enough and then we can have a second Christmas with the rest of the presents!

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