Feliz.navidad. Feliz navidad
So.we dragged our asses out of bed at 630 and headed back over to Edinburgh
Tooli thought we should maybe have just had a rage in Edinburgh overnight and saved us the drive.
I don't think I would have survived a night out in Edinburgh prior to a flight
Plane went off with minimum disruption; transfer to hotel was by mini bus with Si and Tooli.squished between some questionables while I sat by myself
We checked in. Not overly impressed with room with no view or light. We'll sort that in the morning
Dinner had, a few drinkies while we watch the kiddies disco and then.more drinkies while we played the quiz. We do like set piece animation teams
Had to take Si to bed as he took offense at a neighbour standing up and walking down the lines to review and steal other people's answers
Best reward was that he didn't win; but the couple who did used their phone.
We did not use our phone at all. And I was able to recall Dion sung runaround sue. Si recognised Star Wars and Tooli knew all the films
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