Merry Christmas.

Went to give Courtney's present to Emma last night and found that both of them have the terrible cold which is going the rounds. They had covid last Christmas  so felt very sorry for them. Went to bed and woke about an hour later with an upset tum, something I very rarely have,  Was up and down for an hour or two before things settled. Went over to Andy's quite late this morning to give him his present and found he too had the dreadful cold but stopped for coffee and a chat just the same.  He was lamenting that he had forgotten to buy stollen yesterday. so I gave him some of mine. I think I've sickened myself on it anyway. Spent the rest of the day on the sofa reading until dark when I nipped out the front door to photograph a window decoration.  Looking  forward to a quiet peaceful tomorrow and wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas.                                 

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