
By JanetMayes

Light on snow art challenge

J asked me to photograph the watercolour painting she finished with S yesterday, so that she can use it for her Christmas greeting on social media. It's for the December art challenge for her creative/care centre, for which she was looking at the colours of sun and shadow on snow. She's very familiar with Monet's snow paintings, among others, and she and S watched a couple of YouTube tutorials together to help them think further about how to achieve the effects they wanted. I was very impressed with it, I think it's lovely and will think about getting some copies printed for next year's Christmas cards.

After finally getting the Christmas tree up (but not decorated) yesterday, I got into a horrible tangle with the fairy lights, failed to write the cards I wanted to deliver to neighbours in the village, and spent far too long cleaning all the dusty corners I uncovered in order to move things round to accommodate the Christmas tree. I also realised that I have no idea where the Christmas stockings are: the big box of Christmas related things had to be moved and split up to be stored else where when a room was renovated to become P's new office earlier this year. I knew where to find the tree decorations and the cards, and have located the box with J's singing and dancing snowmen (which I'm rather hoping can stay where they are) but have no recollection of what happened to the stockings, other than that they are probably with the Santa hats...

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