meet Lynn

This is my sister-in-law Lynn. You will probably be seeing more of her in Daunti's world because we are doing a kind of shared custody with her father. We are calling it sleep overs. I'm thinkin she's thinkin it's cool. She is in her fifties and has downs syndrome. Her mom has passed a few months ago and her dad having her full time has been too hard for him. They live next doors to us which makes things easier. Life has been soooo crazy since moms passing. We have all been affected in different ways and are still trying to figure it all out. I know in time we will all get it together. Time will heal as it always does. For myself I just need to stop trying to control the future and take things day by day. Life now is not as we knew it but I guess things are never gona stay the same forever.

So here's Lynn in her Nifty Fifty's hat and her bag happy as can be. I think I am going to learn alot from having her around more, especially not to ever loose the child within yourself. We had just all had breakfast (my husband, father-in-law and my daughter) at Nifty Fifty's and are on our way to get the food shopping done for the week. To steal my husbands words "It's not just shopping anymore, it's an event". #Living life :)

A wise person accepts things as they come. The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tuz. Trying to be a very wise girl...

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