Stop taking photos mummy

Got some sleep last night
Feel better than I did
But still groggy

Swimming was fab, Charlotte loves her teacher and the lessons. She is progressing with every lesson.

Two hour sleep after swimming, didn't use the time well, caught up on corrie!

Lunch, cous cous and cheese on toast.
Headed to Evesham to collect an eBay bargain. I wanted an ikea spooling high chair to use out in the garden when we eat there, bought one, they gave it to friends who live in Evesham, an hour and a bit round trip and its mine. Charlotte dozed in the car.

Home, played, watched the apprentice together. She cried when Herbert was in the screen!!!!

Bath, milk bed.
Daddy has gone to the pub, Ocado are on their way.
Ooo and I'm working tomorrow pm and leaving Charlotte with grandma!

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