Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Caerketton Craigs and the T-Wood

A cool and blustery day with heavy rain showers. My eldest daughter is visiting with the grandchildren. As it is raining, we decide to open some presents, and give grandson something to play with. As he is two, anything with dinosaurs is sure to keep him occupied, as well as looking for one of our cats. Granddaughter is too young to get excited about Christmas

After lunch we wait for a heavy rain shower to pass, and head up to Swanston to see the Highland Coos. It is very quiet, no one is playing golf. However it is rather breezy, two hands on the buggy carrying granddaughter. So once we have seen the coos, one is looking quite windswept, we head around to the village, capturing the blip photo on the way, and head home. A cup of coffee and chocolate biscuits are a great way to warm up after the walk.

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