
The pattern of small-ish feet at 4.30 morning, into our bed and he was a little furnace! By about 5.15 he was sick, youngest had woken up and stockings  were done by 5.30, if not earlier! 

So, whilst I said I wanted an early start, I didn't mean that early (we went to sleep around midnight!).

Both boys have been below par today, despite has barely moved from the sofa.

On the bright side, we have had a lovely day with all the family to our house, the food worked well, it felt as if there was a mountain  of washing up and I'll be happy to keep away from the kitchen for a little while - of at least a few waking hours as I feel I've been in there an awful lot of late!

Everyone has had lovely presents, looking forward to the boys feeling better and enjoying theyr gifts!

Happy Christmas! 

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