Merry Christmas

A lovely day from start to finish. I never sleep well Xmas eve; listening out for the kids waking up, anticipating all there is to do the next day, I don’t know.
Max came in at 3am to ask if he could get up (he had misread the clock - no way!)
We heard Anya and Max chatting just before 7am, they tiptoed downstairs and squealed with delight as they discovered he’d been :)

The day wasn’t our ‘normal’ Christmas; strange not to be with my parents or sister but we’ll be celebrating with them in a couple of days.
We cooked beef, which was so much easier than turkey! Went down well and then we had a peaceful evening to ourselves, a game of monopoly and relaxed beside the fire listening to carols. Andrew read a new book, I caught up on my phone, photos and did another load of washing before my family arrive tomorrow.

Wishing everyone health and happiness for the coming year and here’s hoping it’s a more peaceful year for so many others around the world.

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