Shine On, Christmas Moon

It is sometimes true that the things we try to do to make ourselves feel better, don't. But anyway, here is a shot of the Christmas moon. It was late at night and Christmas day was almost over. (I almost added a "thank goodness" there, but I'll spare you.) 

My husband was in the living room, snoozing in his chair, sort of watching football, alternating with the Grinch on TV. Meanwhile, during the commercial breaks, I was lying on the front porch steps, fully prone, with my face to the night sky, photographing the moon. So here is December's Cold Moon, which waxes full on the day after Christmas this year.

I heard this song on Monday night football, and I sure hope Chris Stapleton releases an actual full cover of it so I can buy it, finally. Here he is with Snoop Dogg and Cindy Blackman Santana, with In the Air Tonight.

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