Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Round the table

We gathered together for Christmas my children and their partners and my  grandchildren and yes, we had a lovely family reunion. My Benjamin and his Sweetheart had invited us all at theirs, what's a lovely treat. And when calling my Sweetheart in Chania, I found him together with our friends there; they'd invited him at theirs. 

It's 13 years ago that I posted my first Blip and I then wondered if I would manage 365 blips... there are some gaps in my initial years and later on too, but Blip has become a cherished part of my daily life; sharing my images with a thought or experience and finding yours with a connotation too! We can and do react upon one another's views what I hold as an enrichment of my being part of Blip! 
Happy Winterholidays Blippers! 

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