Horse sense

Tues was a rainbow day ,today was not!
There are some days when everthing seems to just not go right!
And making decisions on work ,life and future have to be made ;many of which are difficult even on a good day!
But I soldiered on, when I should have just gone to bed, and wrestled with the lifes problems needing to be decided upon,getting nowhere!
My mind working overtime about should I go this way or that!!
At the end of a day of hard work , took Max for his evening walk and met with two horses beside the path.
And stopped to say "hello".
This lovely gelding looked at me with his all seeing eye ,and gently resting his head on my shoulder ,whispered with soft breath into my ear!

And all my turmoil just fell away, and my spirits lifted. Even Max was more animated as we walked home.

A horse whisperer indeed, and a new friend;who I will definately visit again!

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