Looks ready to lay eggs

A brisk walk along the Lower Pipeline didn't produce a single photo this afternoon. Did hear the flight of a kereru and then saw two disappearing from sight, way above the canopy. As I neared the Waima-Boylan Terrace a Greenfinch landed on an overhead wire, and stayed there while I took a couple of photos.

This is the first Greenfinch I've seen this year. Its abdomen looks swollen and I wonder if it is a female about to lay eggs.

I've added an extra. I heard the raucous call of a Kaka, and then saw it flying up and away from trees on the other side of the road from me. By the time I had the camera in use it had doubled its altitude, and I had neglected to use the telephoto. Identified initially by its call, the shape and the flight pattern suggests it is a Kaka.

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