The Boxing Day Birthday Girl

It was mum’s birthday and I thought a yarn bouquet would make a nice gift.  In my head that would be easy to accomplish but it proved tricky to manhandle into shape and I am not convinced it looked like a bouquet in the end. 

I was looking forward to some Boxing Day footie but as I was cooking lunch a massive migraine came on all of a sudden. I tried ignoring and medicating it away in the hope it would be manageable but no luck.  So instead of footie and a nice online chat with Nina I spent a boring afternoon, evening and night lying felt on my back in a dark room.

Exeter actually won, ending their 13 loss run and there was an exciting penalty save by Exeter in the 95th minute - what a shame I missed that fun!  Maybe my new hat brought them luck even if I didn’t get to wear it there

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