
By LadyFindhorn

Ten Thirty Two

My neighbour told me that the clock over what was the main entrance to the ERI and is now presumably the main entrance to the University of the Futures had been reinstated to working order and so it has as I noticed this morning on my way back from the library.

I met up with a friend for coffee today and managed to blether for 2 hours hearing about the exploits of our respective families over Christmas. We agreed that we do feel rather out of the loop now that things are so ‘woke’. In our generation woke was something you did when you stopped sleeping. Now it’s a minefield of pronouns and dietary preferences. I know now how my late aged aunt felt when said she felt past her sell by date. It feels as if life is far too complicated now , but at least I’ll know the time when I walk to the bus stop.
I wonder if a wee man has to climb up the clock tower to wind the clock or does he simply press a button on his phone?

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