
By WhiskyFoxtrot

A day of two halves

A day of two halves.

First half consisted primarily of little, irksome, inconsequential annoyances. Nothing big, all tiny and ridiculously specific but enough to displease. The topper was going to an event that turns out to be scheduled for Saturday. You'd think after countless years at school/university/work that I could read an invitation correctly. Sheesh!

I was saved by Nina Simone who graciously shuffled up on the old ipod to shake me awake. Listening to that righteous babe made me determined to turn the day around (albeit initially through gritted teeth). I remembered that a book I ordered had come in so rode up to Word Power Books to pick it up and then settled in a café to read.

My dear friend texted and suggested a libation at the Bow Bar on Victoria Street, whereafter I took this portrait. You may remember my friend from a previous blip. This is literally a different side to him, the suited and booted side (and left side versus the right side of the earlier shot). Despite all this talk of sides, what I like best about him is that he is without side.

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