
Back home mid-morning from the overnighter at work and then...and then...and then...I really didn't do very much at all. 

But I did feel a bit creative mid-afternoon so stuck an old lens (Nikon Series E 50mm f1.8 for them that like *that* kind of detail) on my DSLR and went for a little walk along the canal thinking that I'd take a set of photographs that might end up resembling Cocteau Twins album covers. I wasn't wrong.

The music that I'm about to link to isn't the Cocteaus but it is one of my favourite tracks of the year. And I'm totally kicking myself that they sold out in Monorail before I managed to get a copy, and now it's sold out everywhere else too. Damn!*

* There is a repress coming early next year but still...

A Favourite Track Of The Year

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